

Testing Packages

TestReports.jl provides two methods to test and generate JUnit XMLs for a package. The suggested approach is to use TestReports.test, but additionaly a runner script is also supplied.

TestReports.test can be used in the same way as Pkg.test. It will run the package unit tests, and, by default, create a testlog.xml file in the current directory:

julia> TestReports.test("MyPackage")
Do I need to change `runtests.jl`?

It is intended that it runtests.jl will not need to be changed to generate a report (unless properties are being added).

This does assume, however, that DefaultTestSets are being used. In the case of custom TestSets, please see the discussion below.

The typical use in a CI process would be:

$ julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("TestReports"); using TestReports; TestReports.test("MyPackage")'

It is possible for multiple packages to be tested at once (with one report generated per package), or for the current project to be tested:

julia> TestReports.test(["MyPackage1", "MyPackage2"])  # Multiple packages
julia> TestReports.test()  # Current project

TestReports.test will display the same output as Pkg.test, and accepts the same keyword arguments, namely:

  • coverage - enable or disable generation of coverage statistics.
  • julia_args - options to be passed to the test process.
  • test_args - test arguments (ARGS) available in the test process.

and has two additional keyword arguments to control the name and location of the report(s):

  • logfilepath - directory in which test reports are saved.
  • logfilename - name(s) of test report file(s).

Customising Testfile Name and Location

When testing a single package, the testfile name defaults to testlog.xml and is saved in the current working directory. The keyword arguments logfilepath and logfilename can be used to modify the name and/or path of the testfile, for example:

julia> TestReports.test("MyPackage", logfilename="MyPackage.xml")
# File path is joinpath(pwd(), "MyPackage.xml")
julia> TestReports.test("MyPackage", logfilepath="path")
# File path is joinpath("path", "testlog.xml")
julia> TestReports.test("MyPackage", logfilename="MyPackage.xml", logfilepath="path")
# File path is joinpath("path", "MyPackage.xml")

When testing multiple packages, the testfiles default to being called PackageName_testlog.xml for each package. The keyword arguments can again be used to customise this, for example:

julia> TestReports.test(["MyPackage1", "MyPackage2"], logfilename=["1.xml", "2.xml"])
# File paths are joinpath(pwd(), "1.xml") and joinpath(pwd(), "2.xml")
julia> TestReports.test(["MyPackage1", "MyPackage2"], logfilename=["1.xml", "2.xml"], logfilepath="path")
# File paths are joinpath("path", "1.xml") and joinpath("path", "2.xml")

Adding Properties

Properties can be added to a TestSet using the exported function recordproperty within runtests.jl and other included scripts:

using Test
using TestReports

@testset "MyTests" begin
    recordproperty("ID", 1)
    @test 1==1

recordproperty will have no affect during normal unit testing.

The added properties will be added to the corresponding testsuite in the generated report. Multiple properties can be added, and a property added to a parent TestSet will be applied to all child TestSets.

An error will be thrown if the same property is set twice in a TestSet, and a warning displayed if both parent and child TestSet have the same property set (in which case the value set in the child will take be used in the report).

The property name must always be a String, but the value can be anything that is serializable by EzXML.jl. In practice this means that Strings, Numbers, Exprs and Symbols can be used, as well as other types.

This example shows a more complete example:

using Test
using TestReports

@testset "TopLevelTests" begin
    recordproperty("TestFile" @__FILE__)  # This will be added to all child testsets in report

    @testset "MiddleLevelTests" begin
        recordproperty("Testsuite", 100)
        recordproperty("TestSubject", "Example")

        @testset "Inner" begin
            recordproperty("Testsuite", 101)  # This will overwrite parent testset value
            @test 1==1

        @testset "Types" begin
            recordproperty("Prop1", :Val1)
            @test 1==1

Runner Script

Alternatively to TestReports.test, bin/reporttests.jl is a script that runs tests and reports the results. Use it via:

$ julia bin/reporttests.jl tests/runtests.jl

Replacing tests/runtests.jl with the path to the package test file. This script creates a file testlog.xml in the current directory.

Known Limitations

Pass Result Information

When a Test passes, the information about the test is not retained in the Result. This means that it cannot be reported, and the testcase for each passing test will be:

<testcase name="pass (info lost)" id="_testcase_id_"/>

This will hopefully be improved in the future - see Julia#25483.

Single Nesting

Julia TestSets can be nested to an arbitary degree, but this is not allowed by the JUnit XML schema. Therefore, nested TestSets are flatted in the report.

For example, the following runtests.jl file:

using Test

@testset "TopLevel" begin
    @testset "Middle1" begin
        @test 1==1
        @test 2==2
    @testset "Middle2" begin
        @testset "Inner1" begin
            @test 1==1
    @test 1==1

Will generate the following XML (when pretty printed):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites name="" id="_id_" tests="4" failures="0" errors="0">
    <testsuite name="TopLevel/Middle1" id="_id_" tests="2" failures="0" errors="0">
        <testcase name="pass (info lost)" id="_testcase_id_"/>
        <testcase name="pass (info lost)" id="_testcase_id_"/>
    <testsuite name="TopLevel/Middle2/Inner1" id="_id_" tests="1" failures="0" errors="0">
        <testcase name="pass (info lost)" id="_testcase_id_"/>
    <testsuite name="TopLevel" id="_id_" tests="1" failures="0" errors="0">
        <testcase name="pass (info lost)" id="_testcase_id_"/>

Each test is recorded in a separate testsuite with the name showing the original nesting.

Custom TestSet Types

TestReports.jl has not been tested significantly with custom TestSet types, please raise an issue if you find any problems/have a request.

However at a minimum, for a custom TestSet type to work with TestReports it must:

  • Push itself onto its parent when finishing, if it is not at the top level
  • Have description and results fields as per a DefaultTestSet

Testsuite properties cannot be added to a TestSet that is not a ReportingTestSet, (i.e. any TestSet that has the type specified to be something other than a ReportingTestSet, or that inherits a specified type from a parent). If no types are specified, TestReports.test will ensure that all child TestSets inherit the ReportingTestSet type.